Advanced Data Structures & Algorithms 2-1(3 SEM) Lecture Notes

Advanced Data Structures & Algorithms Lecture Notes and Study Material

Advanced Data Structures & Algorithms (Common to CSE, IT, CSE( DS), CSE (IoT), CSE (AI), CSE (AI & ML) and AI & DS) Syllabus:

UNIT – I Introduction to Algorithms 9 Hrs:
Introduction to Algorithms:
Algorithms, Pseudocode for expressing algorithms, Performance Analysis-Space complexity, Time.
complexity, Asymptotic Notation- Big oh, Omega, Theta notation and Little oh notation, Polynomial Vs
Exponential Algorithms, Average, Best and Worst Case Complexities, Analysing Recursive Programs.

UNIT – II Trees Part-I 8 Hrs
Trees Part-I
Binary Search Trees: Definition and Operations, AVL Trees: Definition and Operations, Applications.
B Trees: Definition and Operations.

UNIT – III Trees Part-II 8 Hrs
Trees Part-II
Red-Black Trees, Splay Trees, Applications.
Hash Tables: Introduction, Hash Structure, Hash functions, Linear Open Addressing, Chaining and

UNIT – IV Divide and conquer, Greedy method 9 Hrs
Divide and conquer: General method, applications-Binary search, Finding Maximum and minimum,
Quick sort, Merge sort, Strassen’s matrix multiplication.
Greedy method: General method, applications-Job sequencing with deadlines, knapsack problem,
Minimum cost spanning trees, Single source shortest path problem.

UNIT – V Dynamic Programming & Backtracking 9 Hrs
Dynamic Programming: General method, applications- 0/1 knapsack problem, All pairs shortest path
problem, Travelling salesperson problem, Reliability design.
Backtracking: General method, applications-n-queen problem, sum of subsets problem, graph coloring,
Hamiltonian cycles.
Introduction to NP-Hard and NP-Complete problems: Basic Concepts.

Reference Textbooks:

  1. Data Structures and algorithms: Concepts, Techniques and Applications, G A V Pai.
  2. Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms, Ellis Horowitz, Sartaj Sahni and Rajasekharam, Galgotia
    publications Pvt. Ltd

Advanced Data Structures & Algorithms Lecture Notes and Study Material Free Download

  1. UNIT – I Introduction to Algorithms:

2. UNIT – II Trees Part-I

3. UNIT – III Trees Part-II

4. UNIT – IV Divide and conquer, Greedy method

5. UNIT – V Dynamic Programming & Backtracking

Note: We don’t have any right to above notes, we have embedded publicly available notes here using indexing method like how google works.

Here we have also mentioned here Youtube playlist by IIT Madras on Advanced Data Structures and Algorithms

Watch Playlist Here:

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