Exploring the World of Programming Your First C Program

Hello there, young programmers! Are you curious about how computers understand and follow our instructions? Well, you’re in the right place! Today, we’re going to take our first step into the exciting world of programming by writing and understanding our very first C program. Don’t worry; it’s going to be fun and easy.

What is a Program?

A program is like a recipe for a computer. Just as you follow a recipe to make your favourite cookies, a computer follows a program’s instructions to do tasks like playing games or showing pictures. Programs are written using special languages that computers can understand.

Our First C Program: Saying Hello!

Let’s start with a simple program that makes the computer say “Hello, World!” Here’s how we do it in the C programming language:

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
    printf("Hello, World!\n");
    return 0;

Breaking It Down

Now, don’t let all those words and symbols scare you! Let’s break down what’s happening here:

  1. #include <stdio.h>: This line tells the computer to include some special instructions for printing things on the screen.
  2. int main() { }: This part is like the main recipe. It says, “Start here!” Inside these curly braces { } is where we put our instructions.
  3. printf("Hello, World!\n");: This line is our special instruction. printf is like a magic command that tells the computer to show the words “Hello, World!” on the screen. The \n at the end means “start a new line,” so the next thing will appear below.
  4. return 0;: Finally, we say, “We’re done!” This is like finishing our recipe and saying, “Here are your cookies!”

Making It Work

Now that we have our program, how do we make the computer run it? We need to follow these steps:

  1. Write the Program: Open a special program called a text editor and write down the program exactly as we showed you.
  2. Save the Program: Give your program a name, like “hello.c,” and save it on your computer.
  3. Compile: This step is like turning our recipe into something the computer can understand. We use a program called a compiler for this. Open your computer’s command prompt (ask a grown-up if you’re not sure how) and type: gcc hello.c -o hello
  4. Run: After compiling, type ./hello in the command prompt and press Enter. The computer will say, “Hello, World!” just as we told it to.


You’ve just written and run your first C program! You’re on your way to becoming a fantastic programmer. Remember, programming is like solving puzzles and telling stories to computers. You can make them do amazing things with your instructions.

Now that you’ve taken your first step into the world of programming, keep learning, exploring, and having fun with it. There are endless exciting things you can create with the power of code!

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